Would your family like to sign up for a workshop: all day art adventures when your school is not in session? On weekends? After school?
We really got lucky in finding this conveniently located new professional art studio, more suitable for making your best art than a classroom experience. Come and see for yourself at the Park Presidio United Methodist Church on Sundays from 1-3 p.m. It is located at 4301 Geary Boulevard, #5-B 2nd floor. The main entrance is on 7th Avenue.
Join ArtSeed’s Founder Josefa Vaughan and other artists in a drop-in session this month to make art, talk about ArtSeed’s many opportunities such as the apprenticeship program, classes, private instruction, the Youth Council and any other ideas you might have! Tuition is on a sliding scale and scholarships are available. Families in need are encouraged to apply. For more information, please call Josefa at 415-656-9849 or talk to our new Outreach Manager, Amrita Daing, at 415-971-8006.