Patricia Aveni, ArtSeed Volunteer
Raised in upstate New York, Patricia Aveni moved to San Francisco in 1985. She began creating abstract art in her thirties when battles with depression and anxiety became opportunities through creation to discover her own unique inner strength. Aveni also serves as a liaison between target communities and the Department of Public Health providing peer counseling, social support, and advocacy to San Francisco’s diverse population. By 2000, drawing and painting had become her passion. Inspired by the works of Picasso, O’Keefe, and Miro, Pat works primarily with acrylic paint and watercolor pencils. Her artworks range from abstract to more realistic pieces of late. Since 2012, Pat’s art has been showcased in group exhibitions, and she has shared her practice in public-speaking events with ArtSeed since Fall 2020. In 2013 she delivered an artist talk as part of her solo exhibition at the California Institute of Integral Studies. pataveni.wixsite.com/portfolio