The Cottage



  • ArtSeed’s Cottage Residency Program invites applications from artists, writers and composers who wish to live in a beautiful hilltop house in Diamond Heights for a nominal monthly fee $650 for three to six months. From time to time, the ArtSeed community will come to the Cottage to provide the artist input, support and inspiration for the projects he or she is working on, or proposes to work on.

    As part of the artist-in-residence program, the artist will be encouraged to hold meetings and gatherings in the Cottage where he/she or his/her collaborators will utilize a portion of the place to engage in workshops or classes with students in private lessons or teachers in staff development. Also, the artist may invite neighbors, patrons, board members or prospective project partners to see his or her works-in-progress or develop plans for exhibitions or other events. ArtSeed will promote Cottage activities on its website and in emails.

    ArtSeed showcases the work created by the resident at the Thoreau Center for Sustainability and/or at Spring and Fall Open Studios at the Hunter’s Point Shipyard. Also central to the exhibition is art produced by ArtSeed educational programs that involves the resident artist as teacher (in school, afterschool, studio apprenticeships and workshops for the general public).

    ArtSeed accepts applications year-round. Send a cover letter with your contact information and a couple of paragraphs indicating your vision for your residency after exploring our website. Also, send us your resume, and phone numbers of your two references to:

    Josefa Vaughan, Founding Artist and Executive Director
    Office Phone: 415-409-1761,
    Cell: 415-656-9849,


Location: 654 28th St, San Francisco, CA 94131 (between Diamond and Douglas Streets)