Explore ArtSeed’s Art-a-thon budding online artist pages and fundraising site (Mightycause): https://www.mightycause.com/event/Artseed-Artathon2020 It is also a fun race. You can develop a page to show your art and express your feelings and ideas. Others can encourage you by making a donation in your honor. Click the blue button above or below. Create an ArtSeed Art-a-thon Mightycause Leaderboard page or become a sponsor. We are All Creators (no matter what)!
Dear ArtSeed Family,
We must all work together to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
To that end, as of March 11 on-site ArtSeed programs are on pause until further notice, to comply with California’s shelter-in-place directive and to protect our community, especially our most vulnerable members. ArtSeed is exploring other ways to continue our mission and impact others, which includes holding the Art-a-thon online (more info below) and providing online lessons.

ArtSeed team meeting online
The following selections were from an email directed to core ArtSeed participants from Josefa, sent on March 11: If you had an appointment with me or anyone affiliated with ArtSeed I ask that you reach out to them and always copy me, Josefa, to arrange a virtual connection (remote possibilities are almost boundless for) continuation of your work with us. We are not alone!
We encourage our participants to remain safe at home. Our Board and staff look forward to face-to-face appointments when it is safe to do so. We will share further updates as the circumstances continue to evolve. Email us at Josefa@artseed.org or text and call me at 415-656-9849 with any questions or concerns you may have.
The hardship some of the most vulnerable among us are having as a result of service provider closures concerns me. I’m certain we can pool our resources to look after one another if we stay in touch. For those of us who are well and able, doing things from home and making do with what we have there (for a while) might at least have a positive
impact on the environment. At this point, we are moving forward with
plans to expand the upcoming Art-a-thon’s satellite component
that was pioneered many years ago by our dear teaching artist friend Luned Palmer who began celebrating her birthday with a small art-making gathering in her east coast home.
Stay tuned. The Art-a-thon may have a drive-by component for those who would like to pick up free supplies. You can make art from home and/or encourage others by showing your support (and your art!) online: ArtSeed’s 12th Annual Earth Week Art-a-thon (Saturday, April 25th, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.) has an online fundraising site called Mightycause.
It would really help if you could show up on our leaderboard to show your support for our cause. Donors can then give to ArtSeed in your honor. This becomes an exciting race because as you get more support, your page moves up on the leaderboard. We have prizes for those who make it to the top of the leaderboard by the end of the project. Please click the link below to explore directly ArtSeed’s online fundraising site (Mightycause):
Alternatively, you can also go to our website homepage, www.artseed.org and click the blue “Click Here To Donate or Support ArtSeed Art-a-thon” button to reach the site. You do not have to tune in remotely to be eligible to participate. You are eligible to win prizes by showing your support on the Art-a-thon Mightycause leaderboard.
It’s not easy but we can do this!! Thank you!!!
Josefa and Jennifer
P.S. Our devoted Executive Assistant staff member who started four years ago as a cherished parent volunteer, Gino Paolo Bella, resigned his position this week as an employee with ArtSeed. We are grateful for all the valuable new ideas, skills, and goodwill Gino and his daughters, Olivia and Louisse, shared freely with ArtSeed participants and we hope the best for them in this new chapter of their lives. We will miss them but look forward to crossing paths often as we continue to share resources and concerns for the future of ArtSeed and the precious planet our human family calls home.