Check Out Some Snapshots from the Three Weeks of ArtSeed’s Fine Arts Summer Intensive Camp!

We are grateful to our sponsors, California Arts Council and the Sam Mazza Foundation who have made it possible to attract such extraordinary presenters, students, volunteers, and teaching artists who made these three weeks so memorable.
We look forward to seeing the art participants have made in our upcoming exhibition.

Culminating Display of Art in both Actual and Virtual Galleries
Exhibition Information and Submission Form


Want to be a presenter? What is it you love to do? It’s easy:
1. Make a document following these guidelines.
2. Send the document to both &
3. Submit any time for your lesson to be used in our weekly lessons.

The goal is to gather at least 20 Artist Presenter Promotional Packets by the year’s end for broad educational distribution and commemoration of ArtSeed’s 20th anniversary!

Summer Intensive Teaching Artists
A Couple of sneak previews of artists and the lessons they have to offer!

Peter Li, ArtSeed intern “ArtSeed is an organization that gives people a lot of opportunities to grow positively. People are able to learn from their mistakes and embrace the effort to allow for self-growth and improvement. In this program, you are able to make art that you wouldn’t have done before.”
Peter’s Full Bio and Lesson Information
Jesus Zamarron, teacher “I have participated in a collaborative portrait painting project with ArtSeed and I really enjoyed it, especially the collaborative project making and interaction with the students and other teachers at ArtSeed. The social interaction with my students is key to learning, as we can all make it better together, and we all learn from each other.” Jesus’s Full Bio and Lesson Information