Big Thanks for Three Weeks of ArtSeed’s
Fine Arts Summer Intensive Camp!
Flickr Photos – Week One / Two / Three | Summary Participant List

Summer Intensive Special Guest, Raymond Coats He has appeared in Michael Jackson’s video, ‘Cry.’ He has practiced and perfected his craft through many years of hard work and dedication. His performances are always smooth and confident because he takes the time to get to know his audiences. He knows that this is one of the most important aspects of being an entertainer! View Raymond’s Website.
Featured ArtSeed Teaching Artist
ArtSeed Presenters Packets showcase the many people who teach online classes, discuss their own work, or lecture on specific topics. If this one catches your attention, you can look forward to others we will post regularly on our website! They are useful to anyone interested in teaching or learning about art, particularly folks with youngsters stuck at home.
Click to See All Teaching Artist Packets
Clark Tate “I’ve been a contributor to ArtSeed for 2 years now and have seen the amazing attention and energy they have put towards the kids and their artwork. I believe this kind of focus engaging kids in art and creation is priceless. I was lucky enough to meet Josefa and become involved with showing students how to draw and create with their imagination.”
Clark’s Full Bio and Lesson
Want to be a presenter or ArtSeed Teaching Artist? What is it you love to do? It’s easy:
1. Make a document following these guidelines.
2. Send the document to both josefa@artseed.org & aber@artseed.org.
3. Submit any time for your lesson to be used in our weekly lessons.
The goal is to gather topnotch Artist Presenter Promotional Packets for broad educational distribution and commemoration of ArtSeed’s 20th anniversary!
Solidarity and Resources for
Black Lives Matter
At this moment in history I hope you will join me in supporting causes that strive to make this country a more just and humane place. My husband and I support the Southern Poverty Law Center, almost fifty years on the front lines. I invite you to join me in helping them with their invaluable work. To be sure, in any event, there are many other worthy organizations. Click on William Scott’s painting to find even more anti-racist organizations that could use your support.
“These past two decades have been hugely exciting for me, and the lives we’ve touched and things we’ve accomplished are deeply gratifying. To all of our teachers, volunteers, funders, and most of all, our hundreds of students, my profound gratitude. I am fortunate to continue to have all of you as part of ArtSeed and my life.” – Josefa Vaughan, Founding Executive Director