Your donation keeps the FUNdraising & ARTmaking going!
Read ArtSeed’s 2023 Annual Letter

We’re delighted to share that our annual letter has made its way to many mailboxes, expressing our gratitude for your support throughout the year. Your generosity enabled the next generation of citizen artists in creating and exhibiting their pieces to hundreds of visitors in 2023.
Inside the envelope, you’ll find a mustard seed—a humble yet powerful symbol. This tiny seed represents the belief that, like the growth of the mustard seed itself, the practice and appreciation of art are an accumulation of tiny acts of compassion. It’s a reminder that every contribution, no matter how small, plays a vital role in fostering a more compassionate and creative community.
We extend our sincere thanks to those who have already sown the seeds of support through donations and volunteer efforts. Your contributions are the building blocks of positive change.
Whether you choose to donate online or send a check to ArtSeed, know that your support nurtures the growth of something truly meaningful. You may also dedicate your gift in honor of someone and we will let them know with a hand-made greeting.
For those who haven’t received their letter yet, we encourage you to check your mailboxes for your special envelope containing your good luck seed and annual letter. Alternatively, you can explore the PDF version below.
ArtSeed’s 17th Annual Interactive Art Exhibition
Closing Reception 🎉
Birds and Bees: Fact, Fantasy, and the Future of Art and Life on Earth

We also invite you to join us at our upcoming closing reception, the perfect culmination of a year filled with artistic endeavors and community support.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
3 – 5 p.m.
China Brotsky and Seed Galleries at Tides Converge in The Presidio
1012 Torney Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129
Let’s share moments of inspiration, connect with fellow artists of all ages, and celebrate the power of art. Artwork will be available for sale before the artists take them home!

ArtSeed’s Caricature Workshop was a Blast! Our free caricature drawing workshop was hosted by the Fall 2023 Open Studio featured artist, Scott Harris:
Saturday, December 2,
2 – 4 p.m. at Tides Converge in the Presidio
1007 General Kennedy Ave.
Thank you to all participants! See photos from this event at Flickr.
Scott is an accomplished illustrator and designer, well versed in advertising, painting and creating editorial cartoons. For details about Scott, in his own words, along with the lesson plan for the workshop, see his presenter package below!
Thank You to All Volunteers!

We’re wrapping up an eventful year! ArtSeed’s “Mustard Seed” annual newsletter arrived in our supporter’s mail boxes this past Thanksgiving, thanks to the help of our fantastic volunteers. Be sure to check your mailboxes to learn about the different ways to donate and support our continuing effort to make huge things happen from tiny beginnings.
Big Thanks to ArtSeed’s 2023 Annual Letter of Appeal Mailer Volunteers!
Aim Wonghirundacha, Elizabeth Stahl, Felicia Zurich Gallagher and her daughter, Amity and son, Lee, Jennifer Libonati and her sons Zackary and Haroun, Josefina Hernandez, Kay Weber, Keisha Jones and her daughter Sandra, Kolby Giddings, Lori Varkonyi and her daughter Maddy, Seraphim Stapleton, Sky Anselmo, Susan Wang, Velvet Van Bueren
To sign up for volunteer opportunities, please fill out this form:
Want Further Involvement?
Click a hyperlink or forward these URLs to a friend!
- Volunteer or intern with ArtSeed:
- See below and check out the new website that graduating St. Ignatius senior, ArtSeed Youth Council Officer William Schier created:
- Register for ArtSeed’s Fine Arts Summer Intensive or Intensive Flyer with Linked Registration Form in Spanish
- Check out lots more event photographs! Flickr:
- Find our Summer Intensive Welcome Letter, The Spanish version
- Learn how to fundraise for Art-a-thon (Full Art-a-thon Packet):
- Apply for mentorships or private instruction (Application Form with Fee Schedule):
- Apply for collaborative art-making (Registration Form for All Ages):
- Visit our Michelle Vignes Virtual Gallery:
- Follow ArtSeed on Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Flickr:
- Support ArtSeed’s Shop & Share Project :
- Honor a friend or commemorate a milestone: See how in our 2022 Annual Letter:
- Subscribe here to receive seasonal ArtSeed Newsletters (Infrequent and your info is safe):
- Help ArtSeed reach out to vulnerable artists and families by donating through Network for Good:
- Submit a Teaching Artist or Presenter’s Packet Guidelines:
- Check out our Artist and Presenter’s Packets:
- Submit your art for exhibition, and send us a photograph with this completed form:
- Apply for ArtSeed’s Youth Council:
- Learn more about our Hunter’s Point Studio Residency Program:
- Support ArtSeed’s 2023 projects (ArtSeed 2023 Operating Plan):

Weekly Focus Groups by appointment:
Contact, or call or text 415-656-9849 to make an appointment for Virtual Gatherings, Remote Learning, and Art-making Together!
- Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. In-person Meetings and Mentorships.
- Monday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. In-person Mentorships
- Friday, 1 – 2 p.m. Veterans’ Art Lab with ArtSeed hosted by the Veteran’s Administration. To register, contact Dan at 415-221-4810 X22839.
- Tuesday, 4 – 5 p.m. Online Projects, Show-and-Tell, and Art Prompts